Come Visit Us
Find Us
Whether you are curious or seriously seeking a "church home," you are very much welcome at Faith Presbyterian Church. The steps below help you know what to expect on Sundays or Wednesdays.
Steps to Visiting on Sunday and Wednesday
Choose a Worship Service
Faith has two worship services: a 10:00 AM Sunday morning worship, along with a 7:00 PM worship on Wednesdays.
Directions to Faith Presbyterian Church
Find a Place for Yourself
Greeters are ready to answer your questions before and between each service. Just look for them at the church front doors.
Celebrate Through Worship
Ushers will welcome you into the sanctuary before worship and will give you a newsletter/order of worship for the service. Ushers can help you find a seat. Biblical teaching, a blend of musical styles, prayer, and giving, are key components of worship at Faith Presbyterian Church.